Source of Uncertainty of Hardness Measurement
- Certified Value of CRM
- Determine the User Machine Repeatability
- Assessment according EN ISO 6506
- Uncertainty from the Measured Material.
- Resolution of the Indentation diameter measuring device.
1. Certified Value of CRM
Xcrm = 222 HBW 10/3000 Ucrm = 土 1.4 HBW (2σ Uncertainty)
2 . Determine the User Machine Repeatability
H₁ = 221
H₂ = 220
H₃ = 220
H₄ = 221
H₅ = 220
Mean = 220 HBW
b ) Repeatability of Hardness Measurement H₅ = 220
H₁ = 221
= -1 HBW
(C) Standard Deviation
3. Assessment according EN ISO 6506
a) The error ( E) of the testing machine
= 222 - 220
=2 HBW
Permissible Error = ((222*3)/100)
=6.66 HBW
(Note: This permissible Error is based on the ISO 6506-2)
Accuracy or Maximum Permissible Error of Brinell Hardness Testing Machine (ISO 6506-2)
Brinell Hardness Testing Machine Accuracy or Permissible Error
Maximum Permissible Error or Accuracy of Brinell Hardness Testing Machine (ASTM E10-15)
4.Uncertainty from the Measured Material
x₁ = 224
x₂ = 223
x₃ = 224
x₄ = 224
x₅ = 223
Mean Value = 224 HBW
Estimate the uncertainty of the mean value, x , following
mathematical model has been used
Combined Uncertainty =
(a) Permissible Error (E1𝝈) = (E₂𝝈 /2)
=(6.66 HBW/2)
= 3.33 HBW
(b) Uncertainty of Resolution of the Indentation diameter measuring device.
ẟms = 0.01 (Resolution of the indentation diameter measuring device)
(c) Uncertainty of Certified Reference block
The uncertainty ucrm is a 2-Sigma uncertainty,
Ucrm = 土 1.4 HBW (2σ Uncertainty)
Ucrm (1σ) = Ucrm (2σ) / 2
=0.7 HBW
(d) The uncertainty of H (mean value of users machine on CRM)
sH = 0.55 HBW
n = 5 (Five number of test is performed)
Uncertainty of Mean value = (1.15*0.55)/√5)
(e) The uncertainty of x (measurements on a material)
sX = 0.547723 HBW
Uncertainty of Measurement of Material = (1.15*0.547723)/√5
Combined Uncertainty = √3.33²+0.7²+0.2828²+0.277²+.3347²
Expanded Uncertainty
=Significant figure rounding the Expanded Uncertainty
in to two digits
= 土 7 HBW
Reported Result
The above reported
expanded uncertainties are based on standard
uncertainties by a coverage factor
k =2. Proving a level of
confidence of approximately 95% . The uncertainty
evaluation was
carried out in accordance with UNCERT recommendations.
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